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training workshop for wash csos on integrity, quality and compliance

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On the 19th to 22nd of May 2015, Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Societies Network (KEWASNET) in collaboration with CEWASorganized a two day training workshop for its members on Integrity, Quality and Compliance in WASH projects of Kenyan Civil Society Organizations at the Kilima Safari Camp in Amboselli.

The training which saw several member organizations join KEWASNET for this course was meant to help members develop the Integrity, Quality and Compliance tool to enhance performances in terms of and WASH projects.

The workshop also had an aim of raising awareness on the IQC, Identify key areas where as stakeholders can improve WASH projects.

The IQC project is a KEWASNET initiative in the framework of the Kenyan Wash Alliance with the focus of ensuring sustainability of the WASH projects.

With the IQC tool in place, members would be able to add value to the WASH sector, foster peaceful relations with the sector CSOs and the government. The IQC tool will also ensure that as a sector, we have good governance and as well to ensure on the security and sustainability of projects. It would also in a way act as an auditing tool for members in the WASH sector such that it would provide an avenue for organizations to critically analyze themselves and to a large extent improve on their weaknesses.

Members during the training agreed that the Integrity, Quality and Compliance tool would help them take ownership of their projects, to define the standards as well as interact with the sector more productively and efficiently.

Mr. Samson Shivaji the Director of KEWASNET acknowledged all those in attendance including the County Government representative and the facilitators for actively participating during the workshop. He informed the participants that KEWASNETs interest is to help members improve on their quality of work and adopt to self regulation in WASH sector.He urged all members to commit to the pledges they made during the workshop and spread the knowledge to other partners who did not attend the workshop.

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