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 Sewerage project By AWWDA with funding from AfDB upgrading the existing sewer system to increase sewer coverage
 Limuru Water Staff in a team building activityNo photo description available.      
 Tree Planting at Kinale Forest      
 Customer Service week      
 May be an image of 3 people, people studying and textMay be an image of 3 people, plant and text      

  Borehole installation



 Sewerage project By AWWDA with funding from AfDB upgrading the existing sewer system to increase sewer coverage

Limuru Water Staff in a team building activity
 No photo description available.  Customer Service weekMay be an image of 3 people, people studying and text    
 Tree Planting activity at Kinale Forest (Reforestation)      



Nicholas Wainaina

Finance & Administration Manager


Charles Wahogo

Commercial Manager




Franklin Gitari

Technical Manager


Mr. Peter Mbugua Kimani
Board Chairman

Mr. Joseph Ng’ang’a Mbugua
Board Member

Mr. Dennis Mwaura Njung’e
Board Member


Mr. Eliud Githiga Muchiri

Board Member

 Jennifer Kanini Musyoka

Board Member


Mr. Michael Kang’ethe

Board Member



Jackline Wangari Murigi

Company Secretary



Limuru Water and Sewerage Company was established on 13th March 2006 and in this year we celebrated 18years of existence.

The company has grown from serving Limuru Municipality to Limuru Sub-county and the western part of Lari-Sub County.

The numbers of connections have grown tremendously together with the area covered in these two sub-counties. Development projects that have been done are Tigoni Water supply, Loromo boreholes and Ndeiya Pipeline and with an increased water production from 1200m3/d to the current 8400m3.

New projects that are on-going are the Limuru Sewerage Project, Kinale Dam and the construction of a new Sewerage Treatment Plant.

The dedication of staff and all our customers have seen the company grow from a small Company within the water services Regulatory Board (Wasreb) impact report in this period.

Thank you all our customers, our dedicated staff, Board of Directors of the period, Development partners, Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB), Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA)

Thank you to Kiambu County Government, the shareholder for giving us space to serve the people of Kiambu.

  • Maji Centreth near the government offices, 
    Opposite Limuru Health Centre.
  • Headquarter:0725054212
  • Bathi Scheme:0701493316|Hotline:0701493317
  • Thigio Scheme:0722232597|Hotline:0736314388
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